Newsletters and Editorials

In the course of various assignments, Jim often prepares promotional and editorial materials. Whether it is how-to or policy commentary, Jim endeavors to inform the particular audience.

Three examples are available here:

On Track Newsletter

Toy Train Organization Electronic Newsletter

Making use of an integrated membership management system, Jim has written and managed an ongoing series of newsletters for members. Special efforts have been aimed at making content timely and useful to members. This is typically issued twice a month to some 17,000 members who remain signed up for the service. It is produced in conjunction with a sophisticated membership database system.

By keeping content relevant and timely, an open rate of around 45% has been maintained.

Sample here.

Condo Association Newsletter

Condominium Association Newsletter

For half a dozen years, Jim wrote an informative newsletter for the residents and owners of Society Hill at Lawrenceville Condominium Association. Here, the challenge was to take a relatively static situation, and encourage the readers to understand how their living arrangement worked, the challenges of managing it, and the rules they should observe. The newsletter appeared quarterly in print form.

Sample newsletter.

Milepost Mast


Volunteer Support Organization

For many years Jim served as associate editor of this respected history journal, and contributed many well-researched articles to it. As an officer of the organization, he wrote promotional editorials.

Samples here.
(Note. Both are PDFs which approximate original appearance.)


Other newsletters produced have been on topics such as IT developments in a large government department and toll collector/customer service information.

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